November 2, 2021
Emot Wedding Photography and Videography has released the results of a recent survey on attitudes to wedding photography, based on a ‘database of thousands of engaged couples Australia-wide’.

Emot conducted a similar survey in November last year, providing an opportunity to ‘compare and contrast’ market attitudes as we emerge from the Covid lockdowns.
‘Some important points concluded from the survey include that: 46 percent of respondents valued date flexibility when booking a wedding photographer, a 13 percent increase from the survey conducted in November 2020; the most common budget for a wedding photographer remained in the $1000-$3000 bracket, and the fear of “what if I have to cancel my wedding” has increased from 23 to 47.75 percent from November 2020 to September 2021,’ said Emot executive chairman Michael Warshall.
Among other the findings were:
– Couples still overwhelming want a professional wedding photographer for the big day: only one in 20 or those who responded said they hadn’t, or wouldn’t use a professional photographer;
– When it comes to reasons for putting off a wedding, all the measures associated with Covid restrictions – venue and travel restriction, and friends and family not being able to attend are still significant, but economic concerns are less troubling. Worries about job security have almost halved, and concerns about funding the wedding are also down markedly. Interestingly, ‘Health Risks’ was seen as one of the least concerning issues in both the 2020 and 2021 survey;
– When it come to what sources couples used to find a wedding photography, the online triumvirate of Google, FB and Instgram dominated. Wedding directories are down from November 2020 while Wedding Expos are up. (Given this was an online survey from an online business, there’s going to be an in-built bias towards the internet as a resource.)
– When it comes to how much couples are prepared to spend on a wedding, it’s always Tight-Arse Tuesday among most of the the brides and grooms: Almost one in four respondents didn’t want to spend more than a $1000, while fully a third were not prepared to spend more than $1200! The largest segment of respondents nominated $2000 as what they would spend.
‘This survey has provided us with great insight into how couples are booking weddings,’ said Michael. ‘It is very clear from these results that things have changed from when I started in this business over 30 years ago. Couples value flexibility, affordability, transparency along with quality of imagery. Emot has positioned itself to meet these new needs, and as consumer confidence returns, we are optimistic we will see the wedding industry bounce back stronger than ever.’